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"Student Voice" Tasked with Furthering Positive School Culture

Hamlin's Student Voice group meets
Brian Richardson

A newly formed student group is working to continue building a positive school culture. The group, called Student Voice, held its first meeting on December 2nd. The group includes members from different affinity groups to ensure a diverse representation of perspectives. The first meeting focused on the purpose of student voice, specifically how students can help build a positive school culture.

We believe that empowering our students to voice their opinions and experiences is essential to creating a positive school culture. This group will not only foster understanding but also encourage peer support and collaboration.

During the twice monthly meetings, student leaders will delve into various topics that impact their educational experiences. They will then be tasked with sharing the insights and information discussed with their peers, promoting a culture of awareness and accountability throughout the school.

As students were leaving the first meeting they were posed a single question: "What is one thing you wish every student was aware of?" Below are just a few of the responses from the group:

  • "I wish every student was aware of how awesome this school is."
  • You can do anything as long as you practice."
  • "It's ok to make mistakes."
  • "The best part about Hamlin is making friends."
  • "Some people have things going on at home and they don't need more at school."
  • "I wish every student was aware of how hard the adults are trying to make Hamlin a safe space."
  • "Actions matter to everyone. It can impact their future and others' feelings."
  • "There are still good people."